donderdag 1 december 2011

No more Occupy Wall Street in an Equal Money System

No more Occupy Wall Street because Wall Street will no longer be in business. Wall Street is all about profit money that seeks investment opportunities to become more, to grow. The profit was the result of greed and the Wall Street business is all about greed as well. It’s all in the best interest of the few, the elite of this world, the ones with money. The most profitable investments are made where the workers are paid the absolute minimum for the maximum working hours and the minimum rights. So it is obviously not what’s best for all, Wall Street, and within an Equal Money System we won’t have this, it doesn’t support life on Earth at all. Because expenses to save the environment, to handle the waste to minimize the harm to life, bugs, animals, plant life, will be cut to the absolute minimum to maximize the profit, to be able to pay the investors the highest possible return.
Wall Street is the casino like manifestation where some always win and many lose. Because when there is a gigantic amount of money accumulated within families or groups, then they will influence the markets through buying and selling large quantities of resources for instance, and so they can manipulate profits and losses and plan exactly where and when to invest and to withdraw.
No more will we have power in the hands of a few families/groups that accumulate and move money regardless of the consequences in the lives of countless people. We won’t have money that can be accumulated and that gives power. We won’t have money as such. We will all be registered in a global administration system to make sure that no one goes without the necessities for life. We’ll have a card with a chip, or an implant, to connect to the system and keep the administration up to date when we collect our stuff.
No more pension funds and assurance companies that have gigantic amounts of money which they need to put in the market to keep their capital growing as all will have the Equal Money System as assurance and pension.
So no need to occupy Wall Street, we’ll put Wall Street out of business once and for all, because we won’t allow such tools of abuse any longer in our systems.

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