dinsdag 20 december 2011


I went to bed to sleep, but once in bed I stayed very much awake instead and my mind presented 'interesting thoughts'. When I found myself thinking the thought I would stop and breathe, till the mind more or less gave up and my focus was breathing and I found self honesty and self forgiveness in it: When I breathed in I would see a self dishonesty, some aspect of personality, and breathing out I would forgive it. It was fascinating I continued and I was surprised to see so many different personality aspects, I saw them as images of people I had seen throughout my lifetime, although some I didn't remember having seen them, but then I realized I had had sex with different people and downloaded their information as well. Following a thought distracted me several times but just for several breathes and then I would return to this process.
I saw the breath would come to me to fill my lungs as pure, innocence, highlighting what I had accepted and allowed to exist in myself, and I saw that it was my choice/decision/responsibility what I would let the breath carry with it into the world, which quality/intention.
During the next day I tried to continue this but it was hard, chatting with my girlfriend, I was very busy in my mind, looking for conversation material. And later on in the day I found myself giving energy to several systems which I felt as sore spots in my back, so I had to deal with those.

So I can confirm what Bernard had said about the breath: breathing in; self honesty, breathing out; self forgiveness.  When I first heard this I thought it to be impossible to be aware in every single breath!

zondag 18 december 2011

stretching with pain

for the past month, I had terrible pain in my lower legs and feet. Mostly only in one place at the time, sometimes more. I would stretch my body while I'm in bed and BAM terrible muscle pain. I guess it is pain that I had accumulated through time by living in and as systems in my lower legs and feet. Breathing was the only way to endure it. It made me clear that we cause an awful lot of pain to the physical body while living in and as systems, that we don't notice because of our separation.
It becomes visible in older people where we see the body in strange poses, like there has been a constant heavy weight on their shoulders for instance.
It has lasted for 4-5 weeks and it has diminished for the past couple of days.

donderdag 15 december 2011

debunking Neale Donald Walsch' quote

Neale Donald Walsch
"Life is not a competition that is tough, and our experience and purpose is not about survival, it is about expression. Specifically, the expression of Divinity in, through, and as Us, and the experience of heaven on earth."

Anywhere there exist shortage, there exist competition, and anywhere there exist shortage of the basic necessities of life, there exists survival. Expression other than competition and survival is only possible when the basic needs are met, and an equal starting point is established. So the first part of his statement only goes for people with enough money to buy all that they need for life, and that has time to engage a process of elimination of competition in themselves. Therefor they must have access to education on 'how to', and to assistance and support. Because competition is very very deeply ingrained in ourselves as how we position ourselves in the world.

If our "experience and purpose" isn't about survival, we'll have to make sure that survival isn't an issue. This obviously cannot be accomplished within the current system, so Neale is implicitly suggesting an Equal Money System within which we can in fact make sure that survival is eliminated.

To prove that divinity is expressed in, through and as us, we'll have to create heaven on earth in fact, not only as an experience for ourselves like having a heavenly feeling and heavenly images while other people suffer. Because that wouldn't be divinity but self manipulation. And here again, Neale is implicitly suggesting the Equal Money System which we can bring about to create earth as heaven, meaning all life will be cared for.
 ·  · a few seconds ago

donderdag 8 december 2011

Wie zal het Gelijkheids Geld Systeem handhaven?

Het systeem komt tegemoet aan alle noodzakelijke eisen van levensonderhoud, en daarbovenop nog creĆ«ert het ruimte om zelf expressie to verkennen. Dus iemand die het systeem omver zou willen werpen of schade berokkenen zal door iedereen herkend worden als een bedreiging voor het leven. Te verwachten valt dat zulke mensen heel weinig voor zullen komen omdat het systeem zelf geenzins bedreigend is. In voorkomende gevallen is ingrijpen noodzakelijk. Niet op de wijze  zoals wij dat kennen van politie inzet, maar vanuit het vertrekpunt van psychologische hulp. Want wie een bedreiging vormt voor het leven die vormt een bedreiging voor zichzelf, en dat zal door daartoe opgeleide mensen aangetoond worden totdat degene die zichzelf uit het systeem heeft afgezonderd dit inziet. Wat helemaal niet zo moeilijk zal zijn omdat zijn fysieke bestaan nu eenmaal behoeftes heeft die niet te ontkennen zijn zoals drinken en eten, en zo zullen de noden van zijn fysieke bestaan hem weer het systeem binnen leiden. De 'handhaving' zal dus primair geschieden door ons lichamelijke bestaan, ondersteund door mensen die hun stabiliteit en hun helderheid inzake het proces van zelf realisatie als leven bewezen hebben in woord en daad.

Real air to breath in an Equal Money System

Within the Equal Money System, we’ll have real air to breath. Because we will sort out all industries to see how we can produce stuff with the least possible harm to life. We will for sure have a lot less industries because we will produce a lot less stuff. The need to make profit will be gone and therefor we can focus on the stuff that is really useful and fundamental to our living here. We will produce stuff to have fun with as well, but all the time we ask the question is it produced in a way that’s best for all?
And we need a lot less electricity, for the same reason. We may even find ways to produce electricity in ways different from burning old stuff from the Earth, again when desire for profit exist no more. Currently such solutions are being suppressed and /or ignored.

From a different starting point if we look at the breath, we have accepted and allowed ourselves to have end up in this situation where we spend our breath in workplaces for the benefit of the already rich and wealthy few and we are not free to breath real air, only this air. Which is not the air that is here, but a fake air, made up by positions of fear of survival, fear of having no money.

Through the Equal Money Systems will make sure that every one’s life is supported so we don’t have to waste our breath in a system of destruction.

woensdag 7 december 2011

06 FAQ Hoe zullen mensen gemotiveerd worden in een vrije samenleving, in een Gelijkheids Geld Systeem?

Twee motivaties zie ik sowieso: de eerste is de fysieke werkelijkheid zelf. Ik bedoel, je kan niet zonder schoon drinkwater en dus zul je in actie komen om dat voor elkaar te krijgen. Of nog duidelijker: onze fysieke realiteit in de vorm van ons lichamelijke bestaan eist dat er schoon drinkwater is, het is een kwestie van leven of dood.
En dat is met heel veel zo. Eten natuurlijk, daar zit enorm veel werk aan vast, vooral als de olie minder wordt. Dan kleding, als de ‘Chinezen’ niet alles meer voor ons maken. Dan huisvesting, huisraad, meubilair etc., verwarming. Dan infrastructuur, elektriciteit, internet, transportmiddelen. Je ziet, elk onderwerp is nodig om een waardig bestaan te hebben en elk vraagt allerlei activiteit/werk om het voor elkaar te krijgen en te onderhouden. Daar zullen we al heel druk mee zijn. De hele organisatie ervan, verder educatie, heel belangrijk. En administratie.
Ik denk aan verzorging van babies, dieren, zieken, ouderen. En we zullen heel veel werk hebben aan opruimen van de zooi uit deze tijd. Bomen planten ....

De tweede motivatie zie ik in zelfexpressie. Als mens wil je iets uitleven waarin je jezelf in je element ervaart, wat echt een uitdrukking van jezelf is en dat kan werkelijk van alles zijn. Als je b.v. kleding ontwerpen doet dan zul je daarvoor van alles nodig hebben en daarom gemotiveerd zijn om actief te zijn.

Free choice?

Is there really free choice: one does what's best for all or ...? Or?. If one choses not to do what's best for all, one is clearly psychopathic, because what's best for all is also best for self, as self is part of all. So one then choses against oneself. This indicates that one isn't directing oneself but instead let oneself be directed by self destructive impulses. If one doesn't directly experiences the self destruction, that doesn't change the fact. 1+1=2

zondag 4 december 2011

Fear of the future

This morning I stretched myself in bed and BAM! a muscle in my left leg, the lower part, started aching like hell. I couldn’t move for a moment and I had to stay put. And in this moment a almost overwhelming shitty feeling spread throughout the upper part of my body. I felt quite helpless and when I looked I saw it is my accumulated worries about the future. And I realized that every time Desteni made a new move, I would have a worry that something bad might happen to us.
In the past days I had felt every now and then this emotion looming, I new I had to face it soon and here we had it in full force, it almost blew me away. I stopped myself from jumping out of bed to try and forget/ignore this nasty emotion asap, distracting myself with what ever I could find for that purpose. And after some time a stability emerged in the hell and my mind tried to convince me that I had been right in my frequent worries. I realized I couldn’t hold on to my worries any longer, although it felt I was entering nowhere land, because they were clearly energies, not self. Finally the leg calmed down and the nasty energetic charge was diminishing. I gave it some more time and carefully I got up.

zaterdag 3 december 2011

dancing to the machine

Listening to House music, when that came into being, I wondered: how come people like to dance to such mechanical sounds, as if they dance in the inner of a big machine that’s running in some large production hall. Dancing to the machine.
The rhythm is the foundation of the song. The drums and the bass produce the repetitive tones in the lower region, like the various repeating sounds of the machine. The other instruments join in a higher pitch. Sometimes a sound like the starting up of the machine are in the song.
We use the music that’s playing to impulse a vibrational energy that we generate inside us. This energy bouncing inside us, makes us want to express ourselves accordingly. So we see the body expressing in mechanical movements, and the breath is suppressed, indicating that we indeed are expressing energy. Not self expression.

donderdag 1 december 2011

No more Occupy Wall Street in an Equal Money System

No more Occupy Wall Street because Wall Street will no longer be in business. Wall Street is all about profit money that seeks investment opportunities to become more, to grow. The profit was the result of greed and the Wall Street business is all about greed as well. It’s all in the best interest of the few, the elite of this world, the ones with money. The most profitable investments are made where the workers are paid the absolute minimum for the maximum working hours and the minimum rights. So it is obviously not what’s best for all, Wall Street, and within an Equal Money System we won’t have this, it doesn’t support life on Earth at all. Because expenses to save the environment, to handle the waste to minimize the harm to life, bugs, animals, plant life, will be cut to the absolute minimum to maximize the profit, to be able to pay the investors the highest possible return.
Wall Street is the casino like manifestation where some always win and many lose. Because when there is a gigantic amount of money accumulated within families or groups, then they will influence the markets through buying and selling large quantities of resources for instance, and so they can manipulate profits and losses and plan exactly where and when to invest and to withdraw.
No more will we have power in the hands of a few families/groups that accumulate and move money regardless of the consequences in the lives of countless people. We won’t have money that can be accumulated and that gives power. We won’t have money as such. We will all be registered in a global administration system to make sure that no one goes without the necessities for life. We’ll have a card with a chip, or an implant, to connect to the system and keep the administration up to date when we collect our stuff.
No more pension funds and assurance companies that have gigantic amounts of money which they need to put in the market to keep their capital growing as all will have the Equal Money System as assurance and pension.
So no need to occupy Wall Street, we’ll put Wall Street out of business once and for all, because we won’t allow such tools of abuse any longer in our systems.