maandag 12 maart 2012

enslaved to the energy created by judgment


this weekend and the last one I didn’t meet with my girlfriend. Suddenly I felt that I stepped out of a personality suit. I stretched my shoulders that had been narrowed and some time later I realized that I had been enslaved to the energy that I would create from her judgement of me. Be it positive to generate a feeling of comfort, wealth, like a place in heaven lol, or negative where I would feel anxiety, thrill like in a horror movie, a place in hell so to speak lol.

This is an acceptance and allowance I have from a young age where I experienced the same when my mother would express her judgment as a way to try and educate me.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to participate in the generation of energies by judgment
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to have enslaved myself to the experience of these energies to feel connected
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to have created a relationship with my girlfriend based on these experiences

When and as I see myself participating in generating energies from judgment, I stop, I breathe. I realize that I am creating an mind's reality, that I separate myself from the physical reality that is real.
When and as I see myself enslave myself to the experiences of these energies, I stop I breathe. I realize that I don't need these energies to have the experience of being connected
When and as I see myself creating a relationship with my girlfriend based on these experiences, I stop, Im breathe. I realize that if she has a judgement that's something for her to look into.